Waxing Moon Earrings
From the perspective of having lived nearly a half century, I found this challenge daunting at first. Teenagerhood was a ...
Rainbow Warrior and Stars In Her Eyes
My muse was my teenage sister and we tried to capture as best we could how wandering through your teenage ...
Teenage Feeling
Poem by Stephanie Smith ...
Someday I’ll Fly Away
Someday I'll Fly Away by Adrian Laine Coerver Artist Statement: I wanted to create something that would seem at first ...
unSWEETened 16
Filmed with HERO3 GoPro Mixed media on canvas by Melanie Renecker Synopsis I’ve been schlepping my journals from home to ...
First Time
This is a new choreography for my first time students. They aren't teenagers but they are my baby dancers, this is ...
In the Brain
Comic by Amelia M. Smith, age 11 ...
Shy, lonely, lost, confused
Shy, lonely, lost, confused. Hanging out in town for something to do. Looked through the window and what did I ...
The Path to a Performance
I spent most of January and the first half of February 2016 throwing all my energy into preparing for a ...
Process: Final Prints: ...
Read the story behind the show >