
It’s (Craft) Show Time

Okay, okay… I was a little nervous and slightly unprepared for this show. It was my first non-holiday show, my first post-baby show, and only my second show in Brooklyn. Plus, the design services part of my work has been CAH-RA-ZY the past couple of months so I wasn’t able to put in as much time as I wanted into preparations. Honestly, even though I was SUPER excited to get in I almost canceled last minute. Almost. But then I looked at my mission statement notes and saw that doing it would meet 3 out of 7 of my new themes:




So even though it poured down rain on Saturday it was nice to be out of the house and away from the computer for a whole weekend.

I was lucky enough to share a booth at Renegade Craft Fair Brooklyn with the very talented artist, Erin Fostel of Holler & Whistle. She even brought a tent for us all the way from Baltimore. I love her illustrations and cut-paper art.

Erin Fostel Artwork

by Erin Fostel

I won’t lie, sales weren’t what I had hoped for. I had no idea what to expect since this was my first non-holiday craft show. But I learned a ton (took notes), got more newsletter subscribers than my last holiday show, got a potential wholesale/consignment lead, and I ran out of business cards (Eek. Time to get that website in shape)!

The hardest thing about doing a show is not spending $1000s of dollars on all the amazing things you see. It can be pretty overwhelming. I controlled myself and bought a cute red sweatshirt from Red Prairie Press and a card from my boothmate.

A few faves from the show:







This entry was posted on September 19, 2014, in Handmade.

2013 Krampus Christmas Ornament

Krampus Ornament


My Krampus printed fabric from Spoonflower arrived a couple of weeks ago and I got right to work and made my  Krampus holiday ornament for 2013. I’ve been waiting since last holiday season to make this lil’ guy. I wanted to make something more durable than the hanging holiday cards I had made in the past and also something smaller, less time intensive and more affordable than my Plush Krampus (also for sale this season).BONUS: If you pre-order by November 15th you’ll save some $$$ for eggnog.

P.S. If you’re looking for Krampus holiday cards they will be available at the beginning of November. I might even have some wrapping paper for sale by then too. I had some made at Spoonflower and it looks great!

Monkey Loves Ice Cream – Limited Edition Gocco Print

Monkey Loves Ice Cream print from La Sirena
Story behind the print:

NYC July weather was reminding me of five years ago when I was performing in a music and dance festival in Nepal. It was pretty much the same sweaty heat, but we had to wear costumes and stage makeup. Ugh. My friend and fellow dancer, Trisha, told me “just relax into it, you can’t fight the heat.” I kept recalling and repeating those words over and over in my head.

Because of the heat wave I was thinking about Nepal every day. It was an amazing trip and experience that now seems like a dream. One of my favorite surreal moments was visiting the ancient Monkey Temple in Kathmandu. There were monkeys running around all over. But not just monkeys, I was told they were holy monkeys. AND not just holy monkeys, but MONKEYS EATING ICE CREAM. But not just that, they were monkeys eating ice cream OUT OF A CONE! I don’t know why but this totally blew my mind and kinda freaked me out. Maybe it’s cause they looked a little too human and it seemed so strange to be happening right in the middle of this beautiful ancient temple. Anyways, I made a sketch of it shortly after I returned and now I’ve finally made a print.

Want your very own monkey? Catch him here.